1 min read

The Twenty Book Challenge

On Spoutible, there is a challenge to post twenty book covers (one a day) that influenced you, without commentary. I thought I might want to comment on why I picked them, so here are the reasons:

1. Arthur Clarke, The City and the Stars: My Dad introduced me to science fiction when I was about 13 with this book. Old school, of course, and a fairly simple take on immortality, friendship, and culture, but it spawned a life of reading in the genre.

2. Dorothy Sayers, Gaudy Night:
Just one book in a long series of novels about Lord Peter Wimsey, Harriet Vane, and their crime investigation activities, together and separately. Also a study of early twentieth century culture and manners in Britain between the world wars.

3. Nick Flynn, Another Bullshit Night in Suck City: A stunning, vividly written, uniquely voiced memoir of the author's relationship with his homeless alcoholic father.

4. Ursula LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness:

5. John Callahan, Don't Worry, He Won't get Far on Foot

6. Patti Smith, Just Kids

7. Kim Stanley Robinson, Ministry for the Future

8. Bailey White, Mama Makes Up Her Mind

9. Richard Russo, Straight Man

10. Russel Hoban, Riddley Walker

11. Patrick McManus, A Fine and Pleasant Misery

12. G. Barry Golson (ed.), The Playboy Interview

13. Calvin Trillin, The Tummy Trilogy

14. Molly Ivins, You Got To Dance with Them What Bring You

15. Richard Selzer, Confessions of a Knife

16. Benedict and Nancy Freedman, Mrs. Mike

17. Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

18. David Brin, The Postman

19. Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey

20. James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man